By Pastor Horst Trojahn Published by Plain Path Publishers
An excellent study for grounding the new believer. Topics are: Eternal Security of the Believer, God’s Book for God’s People, Walking With God, Prayer, The Lordship of Christ, and The Church. Six week course for Jr. High– adult. 103 page workbook; paper. By Pastor Horst Trojahn, pastor (retired) of Blythewood Baptist Church, Blythewood, SC
Week 1: Eternal Security Of The Believer
Day 1: Who Shall Separate Us?
Day 2: What Do You Mean By "Believer?"
Day 3: Three Infallible Truths
Day 4: Truth 2: The Incomparable Work Of Christ
Day 5: Truth 3: The Instrumental Witness Of The Spirit
Day 6: Three Aspects Of Salvation
Day 7: Review
Week 2: God's Book For God's People
Day 1: Divine Inspiration
Day 2: Christ and the Bible
Day 3: The Holy Spirit And The Bible
Day 4: The Christian And The Bible
Day 5: The Necessity Of Study
Day 6: The Bible - A Divine Autobiography
Day 7: Review
Week 3: Walking With God
Day 1: How To Establish A Devotional Life
Day 2: The Necessity Of It
Day 3: The Necessity Of It (Cont.)
Day 4: The Nature Of It
Day 5: The Normality Of It
Day 6: Tools Of The Trade
Day 7: Review
Week 4: Prayer -- Communicating With God
Day 1: Christ, Our Example in Prayer
Day 2: The Command To Pray
Day 3: Conditions Of Prayer
Day 4: Content Of Our Prayer Life
Day 5: The Certainty Of Answered Prayer
Day 6: The Benefits Of Prayer
Day 7: Review
Week 5: The Lordship Of Jesus Christ
Day 1: Lordship: A Crucial Issue
Day 2: The Scriptures Proclaim The Lordship Of Christ
Day 3: The Daily Battle Of Submission
Day 4: Lordship And Discipleship
Day 5: Lordship And Obedience
Day 6: Recognizing The Lordship Of Christ In Your Life